Business Partners

AmTrust International, work with a number of intermediaries across various distribution channels, including insurance Agents, Brokers and Coverholders. Working in a dynamic two-way partnership, we the have the experience, expertise and flexibility to create streamlined turnkey solutions for a number of opportunities across the globe.

Global Licences

AmTrust has the global licences to write business within the European Economic Area (EEA) and Reinsurance globally, through our underwriting carriers AmTrust International Underwriters DAC and AmTrust Europe Limited.

Why Partner With AmTrust?

Special Market Knowledge

Underserved markets are the heart of our product range; by being proactive, opportunistic, disciplined, and responsive in the markets which we operate. With entrepreneurial spirit and a track record of innovation, we work hard for our clients and business partners.

Quick Decisions & a Seamless Experience

Our underwriters are empowered to think laterally and lead from a position of knowledge, enabling them to make quick underwriting decisions. All products are supported by our Businss development teams who work closely with our underwriters to on-board new business efficiently.

Financially Robust

The AmTrust business model has proven itself time after time to be profitable regardless of macro-economic or insurance-specific cycles. This is supported by an AM Best rating "A-" (Excellent) which AmTrust Financial has received.

We’re In This For the Long Term

Strong relationships form the bedrock of everything we do; we understand that a client well served is a company’s greatest asset. We focus on forging longstanding, mutually profitable insurance partnerships, working together to create tailored insurance products to meet the requirements of our customers.

International Presence

We understand local market requirements and with 35 AmTrust office locations throughout the world, we are committed to international growth.

Interested In Partnering With AmTrust?

If you would like to work with AmTrust International and any one of its insurance carriers please get in touch with our Business Development team by emailing A member of the team will be happy to discuss your product requirements and talk you through the onboarding process of becoming a partner.
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