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AmTrust Financial
AmTrust Europe Limited: Change of Name and Registered Office
Frequently Asked Questions
On 1
February 2025, AmTrust Europe Limited will be changing its name to AmTrust Specialty Limited and changing its registered office address to Exchequer Court, 33 St. Mary Axe, London EC3A 8AA.
Why is AmTrust Europe Limited changing its name to AmTrust Specialty Limited?
The new name has been created to reflect AmTrust International’s growth ambition in Specialty, backed by exceptional expertise, flexibility, and experience in underwriting products and services for niche markets.
I have an insurance policy with AmTrust Europe Limited. How does this affect me?
These changes will have
no effect
on your policy. Only the company name is changing to AmTrust Specialty Limited. Your policy terms and conditions, premium, claims and complaints procedures will not change. Future correspondence from 1 February 2025 will be in the name of AmTrust Specialty Limited instead of AmTrust Europe Limited.
I have made a claim under my insurance policy with AmTrust Europe Limited. Do I have to do anything?
No. Your claim will be processed in the same way by the same people. Only the company name is changing to AmTrust Specialty Limited. Your policy terms and conditions, premium and claims procedures will not change. Future correspondence from 1 February 2025 will be in the name of AmTrust Specialty Limited instead of AmTrust Europe Limited.
I want to make a claim under my insurance policy with AmTrust Europe Limited. What should I do?
If you want to make a new claim, you should follow the claim procedures in your policy documentation. You can continue to use the claims address, email address and telephone number in your policy documentation which will still be active.
I have sent correspondence to the previous registered office. Will you get it?
Yes. We have made arrangements to ensure that all correspondence sent to our previous registered office will be delivered to us.
I have made a complaint to AmTrust Europe Limited. Do I have to do anything?
No. Your complaint will be processed in the same way by the same people. Future correspondence from 1 February 2025 will be in the name of AmTrust Specialty Limited instead of AmTrust Europe Limited.
I want to make a complaint about AmTrust Europe Limited. What should I do?
If you want to make a new complaint, you should follow the complaints procedures in your policy documentation. You can continue to use the address, email address and telephone number in your policy documentation which will still be active.
Is AmTrust Specialty Limited an authorised insurance company?
Yes. The entity is an insurance company authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. FRN 202189. You can check these details on
Amtrust Europe Limited
Are the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority aware of the changes?
Yes. Both the PRA and the FCA have been notified of the changes.
Are the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and the Financial Ombudsman Service aware of the changes?
Yes. Both the FSCS and the FOS have been notified of the changes.
When did the changes take effect?
The changes are effective from 1
February 2025.
Has AmTrust Europe Limited been sold?
No. The company is changing its name to AmTrust Specialty Limited and changing its registered office address to Exchequer Court, 33 St. Mary Axe, London EC3A 8AA. It is still part of the AmTrust Group.
Does AmTrust Europe Limited still exist?
Yes, the company still exists but it is changing its name to AmTrust Specialty Limited.
Is AmTrust Europe Limited bankrupt or insolvent?
No. AmTrust Specialty Limited (the new name for AmTrust Europe Limited) is rated A- (Excellent) with a Stable Outlook by AM Best.
Is AmTrust Specialty Limited the same company as AmTrust Europe Limited?
Yes. It is the same company and has the same company number. Only the company name is changing.
What is AmTrust Specialty Limited’s company number?
AmTrust Specialty Limited’s company number is 01229676.
What is AmTrust Specialty Limited’s new registered office address?
AmTrust Specialty Limited’s new registered office address is Exchequer Court, 33 St. Mary Axe, London EC3A 8AA.
I have a contract with AmTrust Europe Limited. How does this affect me?
These changes will have
no effect
on your contract with AmTrust Europe Limited and will have no effect on your or AmTrust’s rights and obligations under the contract. Only the company name is changing to AmTrust Specialty Limited. The contract terms and conditions will not change.
I have a binding authority/delegated authority agreement with AmTrust Europe Limited. How does this affect me?
These changes will have
no effect
on your binding authority/delegated authority agreement with AmTrust Europe Limited and will have no effect on your or AmTrust’s rights and obligations under the agreement. Only the company name is changing to AmTrust Specialty Limited. The agreement terms and conditions and the scope of your authority will not change.
I have a claims handling agreement with AmTrust Europe Limited. How does this affect me?
These changes will have
no effect
on your claims handling agreement with AmTrust Europe Limited and will have no effect on your or AmTrust’s rights and obligations under the agreement. Only the company name is changing to AmTrust Specialty Limited. The agreement terms and conditions and the scope of your authority will not change.
Are there any changes in the way that my personal information will be processed?
There will be no changes in the way that Amtrust collects or processes your personal information and you can find all relevant disclosures under the privacy statement in your policy documentation as well as on the AmTrust website (with pertinent link included in your policy).
Is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) aware of the changes?
Yes, the ICO has been notified of the changes.
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